Sunday, March 28, 2010

Monday, March 22, 2010

crazy week.

First of all the glaze lab has harry potter books on tape.

I have spent the last couple of weeks drunk in slip. I have learn so much about the properties of clay, its magical movement and firing.

these are the OBJECTS i have "made":

studio view. I became a factory.
I did a case of my mom's bust with brown tape, and made my grandmothers' legs out of tape. this is a some sort of fmaily portrait.
back and fornt of a dress. One is fresh clay and another is in the kiln.
preying dress.
these objects talk to me. tell personal stories. the material the "bodies" underneath are all connected. but this conversation seams personal and unimportant. I wonder what the role these objects play for other people.

texture: a love story. after all of this dipping and dripping in some ways I'm more interested in these "prints" they have a sense of flesh of time. I guess i feel conected with the texture. the structure of the material that wraps our bodies. I am interested in making more of these but wiht flesh colored slip. I'm not sure

well. they are in the klin-- now the biggest klin. which has been wowing me nonstop. But of they work which who knows they will I will still have an object. This is new to me( well since freshman year). I usually have an intent or idea of what I want and then use what ever materials are appropriate for the project. I like the residue of this project. But the action is also important. I don't know what the role of me does for this porject. But I know the action, the moment is important. the transforming qulaities of clay or "mud".

Monday, March 15, 2010

underwear sniffer

okay. wow.

its been a while. woops.

In the past couple for weeks i have:
did a test on craigslist. I guess i was looking for all the "freaks:" out there.

I posted " assorted undergarments, $15 center city" under clothing.

"Assorted woman's undergarments, including socks, tights, and underwear. All used.

Please contact about meeting time."

surprisingly or unsurprisingly enough i got a response before my post got "flagged for removal"
Here the only response to my post.

its fuzzy. John Campbell says: where do you want to meet and what size is the underwear
sea. Square. the underwear is a medium ( 4 to 6)

When I posted this ad, I didn't know what to expect-- nor did i have a pair of underwear in mind. Something changed when I got this response, like my used underwear wasn't delicate enough. Like i had to go buy underwear for john Campbell to sniff. He never wrote back.. maybe because my alias is Seamus Flangan.

I thought i might bring one of the slip castings i did. which brings me to the real world of working

ihave been dipping my clothing in slip, hanging it up to dry. I did a set of these out of my favorite clothing that was worn to a deggree that it was fill with holes. I did a bunch of tests. these are picutres of under wear, bar, sports bar, and paper jue tbefore they were fired.

more soon about the firing including picutres

I have made an public email address. password peanutbutter

this is the inform i posted about this address this information on facebook:

Anamaya Farthing-Kohl Have any mail you don't want to take responsibility for? do you part take any activities that you don't want to associate yourself with? use a public email address: password peanutbutter

about a minute ago · ·